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Dodging marketing FOMO and Shiny Object Syndrome

The modern marketing world is, in a word, chaotic. It’s constantly evolving. No doubt you’ve seen the ads for the latest greatest marketing tech and the pitches for the hottest new marketing techniques in your inbox, in your search results, in your social feeds. On top of that, when you look around you see your competitors doing seemingly everything under the sun to reach your audience. In an environment like this, the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is real.

Resist the allure of the 'do everything' mindset

In the face of this relentless noise, the impulse to dive into every emerging trend can be overwhelming. You may feel compelled to make your mark on every platform, adopt every new tool ("because they're doing it"), and capitalize on every trend showing up on your radar. This 'do everything' approach, however, is more of a pitfall than a strategy.

In practice, a scattergun approach can result in an inconsistent brand message, mediocre quality, and the risk of overwhelming your target audience. More critically, the lure of the new and shiny can lead to the dreaded Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS), which manifests as a reactive culture that chases trends at the expense of strategic goals and profitable growth.

"There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all." - Peter Drucker, Management Author and Educator

Embracing value-driven marketing

In navigating these challenging waters, the guiding principle should be value-driven marketing. In this context, 'value' refers to the measurable benefits a marketing tactic can deliver, from direct financial returns to increased brand awareness and customer engagement. As an entrepreneur, ask yourself: "How does this strategy provide value to my business?" If it doesn't, no matter how popular or trendy it may be, it's probably wise to let it pass.

Adopting a test-and-learn approach

When a new marketing trend emerges and its potential value isn't immediately clear, a conservative, test-and-learn approach is best. This involves launching small-scale campaigns to assess the effectiveness of the tactic, learning from the outcomes, and refining your strategy accordingly.

This approach minimizes risk and fosters a continuous learning environment within your business. Over time, this enables you to gain a deep understanding of what resonates with your audience—an invaluable asset in a chaotic marketing landscape.

Success = strategy and value over trend-chasing

The key to navigating the tumultuous marketing landscape isn't to do everything, but to strategically choose what aligns with your business objectives and provides measurable value. Each time a new trend or tool emerges, instead of succumbing to FOMO or SOS, consider: "Does this align with my strategic goals? Will it bring measurable value to my business?" If the answer to either of these questions is "no," stick to what works, no matter how un-sexy or un-trendy it is.

Effective marketing isn't about doing everything—it's about doing the right things, in the right way, for the right reasons. By focusing on value and adopting a test-and-learn mindset, you can effectively steer your business through the chaotic and ever-evolving marketing world.

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