Our services
We offer a range of marketing services for your startup or growing small business.
If you don't have a marketing team, think of us as your first marketing team member.
Marketing & sales strategy
Get help honing in on the right marketing and sales tactics for your business.
Website updates
We can take time-sinks like website updates or page creation off your hands.
Brand books & consulting
Work with us to create a meaningful brand true to your product or service.
Ecommerce merchandising
Get an assist with freshening up your product pages and listings.
Copy writing & content planning
We'll help keep the blog posts coming and sales materials on-point.
And more...
Need something specific not listed here? We'd love to help. Let's chat.

One + Two = new
Creativity is the art of mismatching socks in a world that insists on pairs. Some of the best ideas come from bringing unlike things, concepts, or thoughts together to create something new and compelling. This is the mindset we bring to the work we do with you.
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We want to help founders, small business owners, and everyone in between wrap their heads around the wide world of marketing, design, and entrepreneurship. Take a peek in our sock drawer for insights, news, and other resources.
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